Corporate Wellness
Corporate wellness should be a consideration for any business owner or manager as employee health affects both absenteeism and productivity while at work. In general, poor health or acute illness reduces performance of staff members. Chronic illness among employees, however, places a constant strain on employee performance and requires intervention for optimum management. Chronic illness may lead to high absenteeism rates or disability.
Preventing and managing chronic illness in staff members is beneficial to any business, both short term and long term. Obesity is a leading cause for chronic illness such as diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol.
The corporate environment unfortunately promotes the development of obesity. Stress, extended periods of sitting, lack of sleep, regular fast food intake and lack of physical activity are all risk factors for obesity and disease. Promoting employee wellness is an asset to any business, small or large. Employers can and should take the opportunity to address employee health by providing access to healthcare workers, healthy food, physical activity and financial or medical aid advisers at the office.
Corporate business can collaborate with dietitians as part of their staff wellness offerings. Contact for a tailor made quote to suit your employee needs. See Kelly’s corporate wellness solutions below:
Employee Health Screening and Assessment
A ‘know your numbers’ approach to employee numbers is a good way to motivating employees to consider their health as important. Ignorance is a driving factor for poor health and compliance. Hypertension is a silent disease that is responsible for a large number of disabilities and deaths in South Africa.
Measurement of Height, Weight, BMI and Body Composition by a registered dietitian. Half day or full days options are available depending on the number of employees to be screened.
The is most beneficial when done together with a registered nursing sister for the testing of blood glucose levels, blood pressure and cholesterol.
Appropriate pamphlets and recipes will be issued to employees based on the individual health screenings.
Employee Consultation (At Offices)
Make individual consultation and counselling with a registered dietitian available on site for at risk employees.
The cost can be covered by the organisation or chronic medical aid benefit. If employees are liable, a cash fee will be charged at time of the consult.
Please not that a minimum of 3 employees must be booked per visit and that a travel cost will be charged from Westville Hospital for travel further than 8 km (@R4.00 per additional km)
Employee Corporate Wellness Days
Annual wellness days are an excellent way to assess employee health status and provide employees with access to a registered dietitian for the opportunity to improve their health status.
Usually done in conjunction with other service providers, a registered dietitian will set up a a nutrition education stand where employees can visit for nutrition information, pamphlets, recipes, discussions with the dietitians, cooking demonstrations, recipe tasters.
This gives employees access to evidence based nutrition advice and individual assistance with dietary improvement.
Contact for a tailor made wellness day quote based on employee numbers and requirements.
Office Weight Loss Groups
Host an 8 week office weight loss group challenge for 4 – 12 staff members. The challenge will start off with an individual assessment with counselling and meal planning for each participant. This should ideally be done over 1 -2 consecutive days.
The dietitian will then visit the site once a week for the duration of 8 weeks to give a group talk and measure the progress of the participants. This can be done in a lunch hour to minimize interruption.
The dietitian will also set challenges for daily office physical activity based on the office environment eg: taking the stairs rather than the lift.
A progress file will be kept and the winning staff member will receive a voucher to the value of R250.00 (included in the competition cost). Employers may wish to arrange their own prize.
R400 per staff member plus a fee of R4000 for the 8 weekly visits. Please note that a travel fee will be charged for travel from Westville Hospital further than 8 km for each visit (@R4.00 per additional km).
Kindly contact to book a commence a office weight loss group
Office Canteen Assessment and Advice
The office canteen can be a hindrance or an aid to healthy eating. Staff members may rely on the canteen meal provision for daily lunches and between meal snacks. The meals and snacks on offer should promote health rather than obesity and disease. Have your office canteen assessed by a registered dietitian and receive a report on findings and recommendations for improvements in support of employee wellness.
The assessment includes
- a site visit (60 minutes)
- interviews with canteen staff
- a digital survey for staff members
- analysis of the menus and recipes
- assessment of other items on sale
Cost: R900.00
Please note that a travel fee will be charged for travel from Westville Hospital further than 8 km (@R4.00 per additional km).
Office Canteen Menu and Recipes
Have your Canteen made over by a registered dietitian. A nutritious menu with standardized recipes based of varying numbers of portions will be developed for promotion of employee health. This service includes the above site assessment.
The menu will be handed over to the canteen staff and discussed in person.
Please contact for the menu design packages available.
Corporate Wellness Nutrition Talk
Add a nutrition talk to your wellness day or team building function. Various options available for presentation style and duration. Please contact with your request.
Corporate Wellness Newsletters
Receive a quarterly Office He@lth Newsletter for distribution to your staff via print or email. Subscribe to for a 12 month period (4 newsletters) at R500.00.