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Love PULSES: 10 reasons to use and LOVE them

Love pulses? What are pulses you ask?

The term “pulse” describes any crop grown for the use of the dry seeds only, rather than a fresh vegetable or fruit. Pulses are essentially the seeds we eat from legume plants and include dry beans, dry broad beans, dry peas, chickpeas and lentils. Green beans and green peas, which are considered vegetable crops, are excluded from the legume family. Today, the 18th of January, marks the second annual Global Pulse Day following the International Year of Pulses celebrated throughout 2016.


Listed below are the reasons I love pulses and believe that you should too!

10 reasons to use and love pulses as part of a healthy diet:

  1. The regular inclusion of pulses in your family diet will bring with it great nutrient benefit, namely protein, fibre, iron, folate and potassium.
  2. The protein found in pulses is not accompanied by saturated fat and cholesterol
  3. Pulses enhance the flavour profile of meat or vegetarian dishes
  4. Pulses add texture to soups, stews, salads, stir-fries, mince, rice, pasta dishes and roasted vegetables
  5. Pulses are an economical protein source, naturally free from gluten and supply 2 -3 times more protein than grains, including quinoa
  6. Pulses are a convenient and protein rich, lean meat substitute
  7. The use of pulses and meat dish extenders is advised for economical nutrient provision
  8. Pulses are versatile and can be used simply as they are or creatively as part of a dish
  9. Adding pulses to a dish is a easy way to add more fibre to a meal
  10. The protein and fibre supplied by pulses improves satiety and blood glucose control between meals

Recipes using pulses:

Butter Bean Smash

Don’t know how to use pulses?  Have a look at these great resources:

My Pinterest Board Legumes, Legumes, Legumes

Cooking with Pulses

Pulses at Home and On-the Go

Pulses Blog

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