Dietitian approved recipes, healthy eating notes and ebooks

Mini Snack Muffins | With Baby Marrows

These mini snack muffins include baby marrows which might seem unusual but it is a great way to add nutrients and flavour without extra calories. Baby marrows are always a part of my grocery shop but with only two of us at home, we do not always get through the full punnet. I have seen

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Whole-Wheat Gingerbread Buttons

These whole-wheat gingerbread buttons are a good example of why it is better to bake your own festive treats rather than buy commercially produced baked goods. Baking from scratch at home gives you more control and knowledge. Recipes can be adjusted in many ways to reduce sugar, fat and other nutrient empty calories. Knowing exactly

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Women and Diabetes

“Women and Diabetes” is the theme for World Diabetes Day this year and it is highly appropriate because women are taking the lead when it comes to the prevalence of type 2 diabetes. Given that various lifestyle factors contribute to the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, the prevention of diabetes must be taken seriously

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Choose WATER – Rethink Your Drink!

“Rethink Your Drink – Choose Water” is the theme for National Nutrition Week, celebrated every year from the 9th to the 15th of October. The theme is selected with the nutritional education needs of South Africans in mind and should therefore not be dismissed. Sugar sweetened beverages are consumed in excessive quantities by many a

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Brown Rice Bowls

As brown rice is a wholegrain, it is one of the high fibre carbohydrate containing foods we should be including as part of a nutritious diet. The term ‘well balanced meal’ is no cliche but rather a simplified description of a meal that is nutritionally complete for the complex requirements of our fascinating bodies. The

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10 goals for complementary feeding

Complementary feeding is a wonderful opportunity to teach a child how to eat well. Sadly, however, it seems this opportunity is often a missed one. While breastfeeding has a great impact on childhood health and is strongly encouraged for optimal infant health and development, breast milk is part of a bigger picture …  the first 1000 days

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Dietitians Week 2017 {Nutrition Truths VS Fads}

It is Dietitians Week and this year we are celebrating our profession in true dietetics style… with passion for our cause and our love of evidenced based nutrition facts! This year’s theme is ‘Evidence and Expertise’ Nutrition related information is at our finger tips in a confusing abundance. But is it all true? Honestly, no!

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Banana Split Brekkie

A banana split, while perhaps old fashioned, and typically served as dessert can be given a healthy make-over. Bananas are often listed as one of few fruits that kids, and sometimes even adults, enjoy. Why not take a simple banana to the next level of enjoyment. Rich in nutrients, fibre and protein, a healthy banana

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Baby Led Weaning

While traditional complementary feeding (introduction to solids) is simply described as the feeding of pureed food with a spoon, Baby Led Weaning is an entirely different approach, seeing infants self-feeding from age 6 months. As Baby Led Weaning gains momentum as a more convenient option that enhances the development of fine motor skills, it is easy to see

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Butter Bean Smash

This butter bean smash is quick and easy to prepare but is not short on taste. Mashed potatoes is a often a family favourite, described as comfort food. The problem with the peeling of potatoes, however, is the loss of fibre with the loss of the skin. Every meal should contain fibre and leaving the

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