A banana split, while perhaps old fashioned, and typically served as dessert can be given a healthy make-over. Bananas are often listed as one of few fruits that kids, and sometimes even adults, enjoy. Why not take a simple banana to the next level of enjoyment. Rich in nutrients, fibre and protein, a healthy banana split brekkie could surely entice breakfast skippers and lazy eaters.
Bananas are rich in energy and often shunned for this reason but we simply cannot however ignore their nutrient density. Bananas make for a perfect snack to avoid an afternoon dip in energy. They are far more beneficial than the common go to of crisps or fizzy cold drinks. Due to their energy density, portion control is important. This applies to most foods though. Very large bananas are best shared unless you are very active. Small ‘kid sized’ bananas are perfect portions for less active people or people living with diabetes. Bananas should be eaten as an in-between-meal snack or part of a meal such as breakfast and not just at random.
A healthy banana split that supplies protein and additional fibre is sure to be a winner for a weekend or holiday breakfast. And there is no reason why this cannot be a DIY meal. Simply supply the ingredients and let the kids have fun learning about healthy food preparation. This could in fact be a birthday party delight!
For added variety, plain yoghurt can be flavoured in a number of sugar free ways.
Banana split flavoured 10 ways:
Add extra flavour to the plain yoghurt
- Add vanilla essence and a little honey
- Add cinnamon flavoured apple butter
- Blend with fresh fruit (fruit will add carbohydrate)
- Add lemon juice (1/4 tsp per 100 ml), honey (1/4 tsp per 100 ml) and cinnamon
- Add sugar free jam
- Add date paste
- Add cinnamon and nutmeg
- Add cocoa and pure maple syrup (1/4 tsp per 100 ml)
- Add sugar free jelly powder
- Add shredded coconut
Banana Split
By Jun 8, 2017
Published:- Yield: 1 Servings
- Prep: 5 mins
A banana split, while perhaps old fashioned, and typically served as dessert can be given a healthy make-over. Bananas are often …
- 1 small to medium banana
- 50 ml plain low fat yoghurt
- 2 ml vanilla essence or paste optional
- 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
- 1/8 cup peanuts and raisns unsalted
- Peel the banana and slice in half length-wise. Separate the two halves to create a gap in between.
- Mix the yoghurt and the vanilla together and spoon between the banana halves.
- Top with the nuts and raisins.
- Dust the banana split with a fine sprinkle of cinnamon
- Alternate flavouring include, dried cranberries instead of raisins or 4 grapes, halved, strawberries, sunflower seeds, peanut butter mixed into the yoghurt.